How to navigate loss of relationship, divorce or breakups by investing in yourself.
Individual therapy for relationship loss in North Carolina
Your relationship is over and you don’t know which step to take next.
You’ve landed on a therapy page looking for support in the aftermath of your relationship. The end of a relationship can feel like the rug just got pulled out from under you. Maybe you chose to end the relationship knowing it was finally time to do what is right for you. Maybe you were completely blindsided by this abrupt ending and are just trying to make sense of it all. Either way, you may find yourself feeling like you have to completely start over, like you don’t know which way to turn and a new dreadful sense of loneliness.
You may not even know who you are outside of the relationship and that is a unique and terribly difficult pain.
The end of a relationship can leave you with a wound to your self worth and a low sense of self confidence. A breakup can also mean a loss of a lot of things; maybe you’re having to change where you live, who you spend your time with, where you work or even HOW you live. I know what this transition can feel like and it can leave you feeling so lost.
What if i told you…
this is also a unique and special opportunity to find and cultivate a life that you always really wanted?
How therapy can help
The heartbreak of the loss of relationship can leave you feeling miserable and a shell of yourself. However, the end of one relationship doesn’t mean you have to be alone. This is a place to heal from heartbreak and find meaning in what comes next for YOU. I can help you get through the loss you are experiencing..
You are worthy of self discovery, self love and self compassion — AND you can give it to yourself!
Your relationship with yourself is where it starts. In therapy, you will gain the tools and invest in the time to get to know yourself. This includes your needs, your desires, your unique strengths and your unique challenges.
Individual therapy for relationships helps you find your voice by finding pleasure in your life again, reconnecting with yourself and the relationships YOU choose that are most compatible with this phase of your life.
In therapy, we use new perspectives and reflection to take a look at patterns of relationships that may be woven throughout your life. Through therapy and some encouragement, we look at how this serves your needs and/or how it continues to leave your needs unmet and relationships feeling messy or chaotic.

Jumping off points for our work:
Separation and/or Divorce
Cycles of Unhealthy Relationships
Parenthood and Relationships
Communication Struggles
It is a testament to your strength that the end of one relationship can be your better beginning.
Frequently Asked Questions
Nope, not exactly! I specialize in working with adult individuals who are struggling in their relationships. In therapy, learning how to effectively identify and meet your needs and also learning how to communicate this effectively in relationships.
Not at all! I enjoy helping individuals navigate relationships in all phases and I never push you toward a goal or decision that is not entirely your own. I could be a good match for you even if you are staying with your partner but know things could be better than they currently have been.
Regardless of what the tipping point is for starting therapy, we will work on a unique plan to help you achieve your goals. Lots of folx come see me to feel better, to help fix their relationships or to heal from a really difficult experience. Your life is unique and the reason you are seeking therapy is unique so your treatment should be unique, too!